November 11, 2018 is the centennial of the World War One Armistice, the end of the "War to end all wars". Nineteen Kerr County men gave their lives in that war, five in battle, the others died of illness. I have blogged about them before. Here are links to their stories.
Kerrville men Sidney Baker, Earl Garrett, and Francisco Lemos had streets named for them and have been frequently written about, but apparently not on my blog, so there is no link. That is something I should remedy. In the meantime here are the stories of The Other 16 .
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Saturday, June 9, 2018
Guadalupe Heights
In August 1950, A.C. Ervin was granted permission by the county commission to plat a subdivision called Guadalupe Heights. This subdivision of mid-century ranch houses lies between the Guadalupe River and San Antonio Highway "overlooking Flat Rock Park". A rural subdivision, it is located past the VA Hospital and near the Kerrville-Schreiner Airport.
In June 1951 Theodore and Irene Goldman bought the first lot, lot 6, in Guadalupe Heights.
In July 1962, the community residents organized the Guadalupe Heights Club. Its purpose was to promote friendships of the residents of the area. The first officers were S.M. Udden, President; Warren Stout, First Vice-President; Ted Goldman, Second Vice-President; Secretary, Mrs. Ann Fleece. The first meeting, a covered dish suppper, was held at the Ace Ranch-O-Tel. [ACE, by the way, comes from A.C.Ervin.]
In January 1963 rural mail service was extended to the neighborhood. By 1964 First Baptist Church had a mission church there, known first as Guadalupe Heights Mission and later as Laurel Way Mission.
In April 1965 the Great Texas Land Company purchased all remaining lots and land in the neighborhood with the intention of immediately selling and developing it. The part of the neighborhood along the highway was put to commercial use. At this time Darwin Instrument Factory purchased the large commercial building on the highway to manufacture and assemble flight and engine instruments for Mooney Aircraft. (It was offered for sale about four years later.)
Additionally, the April 21, 1965 Kerrville Mountain Sun reported
This subdivision was in the news in 2015 and 2016 with the fight over the annexation of the Martin Marietta quarry which the community abuts.
To learn about other subdivisions in Kerr County go here.
In June 1951 Theodore and Irene Goldman bought the first lot, lot 6, in Guadalupe Heights.
In July 1962, the community residents organized the Guadalupe Heights Club. Its purpose was to promote friendships of the residents of the area. The first officers were S.M. Udden, President; Warren Stout, First Vice-President; Ted Goldman, Second Vice-President; Secretary, Mrs. Ann Fleece. The first meeting, a covered dish suppper, was held at the Ace Ranch-O-Tel. [ACE, by the way, comes from A.C.Ervin.]
In January 1963 rural mail service was extended to the neighborhood. By 1964 First Baptist Church had a mission church there, known first as Guadalupe Heights Mission and later as Laurel Way Mission.
In April 1965 the Great Texas Land Company purchased all remaining lots and land in the neighborhood with the intention of immediately selling and developing it. The part of the neighborhood along the highway was put to commercial use. At this time Darwin Instrument Factory purchased the large commercial building on the highway to manufacture and assemble flight and engine instruments for Mooney Aircraft. (It was offered for sale about four years later.)
Additionally, the April 21, 1965 Kerrville Mountain Sun reported
J.D. Brance of Hunt and Houston has purchased the water works and will install storage tanks, large mains and auxiliary pumps, and has pledged to furnish each customer all the water they can use and to maintain adequate pressure all of the time. It will be comparable to that of City of Kerrville.At this point 87 homes had been constructed,. All lots had electricity, water (although apparently inadequate for demand), and phone, and were being piped for natural gas.
This subdivision was in the news in 2015 and 2016 with the fight over the annexation of the Martin Marietta quarry which the community abuts.
To learn about other subdivisions in Kerr County go here.
Friday, May 25, 2018
Kerrville Mayors
This month, in a biennial event, Kerrville elected a new mayor (as well as two council seats.) Since Kerrville was incorporated in 1889 only three men have held the office more than 4 years. As one reads the old newspaper stories one begins to wonder why anyone wants the job! Run as an outsider and as soon as elected you are accused of being part of the "Good Old Boys"! Recalls, threats of recalls, and more pepper the city history.
For many years members of city council selected the new mayor from within their own ranks. They generally served a year or two. Then, on May 6, 1989, Kerrville citizens approved direct election of mayor.
Working backwards in time, this is the list of mayors since then:
Bill Blackburn, elected 2018
Bonnie White, 2016-2018
Jack Pratt, 2012-2016
David Wampler 2010-2012
Todd Bock 2008-2010
Gene Smith 2005-2008
Stephen Fine 2001-2005
Ben Low 1998-2001 (Threatened with recall. Did not happen.)
Charles Johnson 1994-1998 (Forced from office in recall election in 1998, along with two others.)
Joe Herring, Jr. 1992-1994
Leonard Holloway 1989-92
From Leonard Holloway to Bonnie White is 10 mayors and 30 years. Three years each on average. Kerrville voters toss their mayors out on a regular basis.
Direct election of mayor approved May 6, 1989.
Here is the remaining list of mayors, again working back in time:
Edd Turner 1988-1989
Charles Johnson 1987-88
Jack Furman 1986-87
A. J. “Jack" Brough 1984-1986
Tom Pollard 1983-84
David Calk 1982-1983
H. Lee Jennings 1979-82
Manly E. Cooper Jr. 1976-77
Edward Schlieter 1974-75 and 1977-78
Mark Maxwell 1971-1973
Zelma Hardy 1973-74 and 1975-76 (First female mayor)
John Mosty 1969-71
Fuzzy Swayze 1968-69
Gordon Monroe 1967-68
Walter Cummings 1966-67
Glenn Petsch 1963-1966
Cedric R. Toler 1961-1963
Manly Cooper 1959-61
Hillmar A. Pressler 1958-59
Lloyd Luna 1956-58
Dr. G. L. Bullard 1950-1956 (6 years)
G. E. Lehmann 1949-1950
H. C. Holchak 1948-1949
E. M. Forman 1947-48
J. F. Stallings 1945-1946
Willis A. Fawcett 1940-44 (Read here about the unfortunate encounter with an angry constituent.)
J. F. Leisering 1936-1939
Richard Holdsworth, 1934-36
Arthur T. Adkins 1921-1933 (Longest serving with12 years. Died in office)
J. S. Wheless 1920-21
H. C. Geddie 1917-1919
George Morris 1916-1917
Henry Remschel 1909-1915 (6 years)
John H. Ward 1905-1908
J. E. Grinstead 1903-1904
J. D. Hutchinson 1901-1902
W. H. Rawson 1896-1900
W. G. Garrett 1895-96
E. Hawes 1894-1995
J. D. Hutchinson 1893
George R. Parsons 1892-93
Ed Smallwood 1891-1892
W. W. Burnett 1890–91
A. M. Gilmer 1890
Joseph Tivy 1889-90
For many years members of city council selected the new mayor from within their own ranks. They generally served a year or two. Then, on May 6, 1989, Kerrville citizens approved direct election of mayor.
Working backwards in time, this is the list of mayors since then:
Bill Blackburn, elected 2018
Bonnie White, 2016-2018
Jack Pratt, 2012-2016
David Wampler 2010-2012
Todd Bock 2008-2010
Gene Smith 2005-2008
Stephen Fine 2001-2005
Ben Low 1998-2001 (Threatened with recall. Did not happen.)
Charles Johnson 1994-1998 (Forced from office in recall election in 1998, along with two others.)
Joe Herring, Jr. 1992-1994
Leonard Holloway 1989-92
From Leonard Holloway to Bonnie White is 10 mayors and 30 years. Three years each on average. Kerrville voters toss their mayors out on a regular basis.
Direct election of mayor approved May 6, 1989.
Here is the remaining list of mayors, again working back in time:
Edd Turner 1988-1989
Charles Johnson 1987-88
Jack Furman 1986-87
A. J. “Jack" Brough 1984-1986
Tom Pollard 1983-84
David Calk 1982-1983
H. Lee Jennings 1979-82
Manly E. Cooper Jr. 1976-77
Edward Schlieter 1974-75 and 1977-78
Mark Maxwell 1971-1973
Zelma Hardy 1973-74 and 1975-76 (First female mayor)
John Mosty 1969-71
Fuzzy Swayze 1968-69
Gordon Monroe 1967-68
Walter Cummings 1966-67
Glenn Petsch 1963-1966
Cedric R. Toler 1961-1963
Manly Cooper 1959-61
Hillmar A. Pressler 1958-59
Lloyd Luna 1956-58
Dr. G. L. Bullard 1950-1956 (6 years)
G. E. Lehmann 1949-1950
H. C. Holchak 1948-1949
E. M. Forman 1947-48
J. F. Stallings 1945-1946
Willis A. Fawcett 1940-44 (Read here about the unfortunate encounter with an angry constituent.)
J. F. Leisering 1936-1939
Richard Holdsworth, 1934-36
Arthur T. Adkins 1921-1933 (Longest serving with12 years. Died in office)
J. S. Wheless 1920-21
H. C. Geddie 1917-1919
George Morris 1916-1917
Henry Remschel 1909-1915 (6 years)
John H. Ward 1905-1908
J. E. Grinstead 1903-1904
J. D. Hutchinson 1901-1902
W. H. Rawson 1896-1900
W. G. Garrett 1895-96
E. Hawes 1894-1995
J. D. Hutchinson 1893
George R. Parsons 1892-93
Ed Smallwood 1891-1892
W. W. Burnett 1890–91
A. M. Gilmer 1890
Joseph Tivy 1889-90
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Discovering Relatives in Unexpected Places
I have posted a slightly different version of this on a different blog I manage, but have put here as well because of the Kerr County connection.
Yesterday I met with a neighbor, a descendant of Charles Schreiner, to discuss a Texas historical marker application he is working on for a cemetery in Kerrville. While chatting, he pulled out this 1880 family photo from the Great Western Cattle Trail.
I was stunned when I read the back:
The above Alexander Perry Maltsberger is a kinsman of mine, not real close (2nd cousin, 3x removed), but a relative nonetheless.
I'm not from around here, but occasionally I'll discover some relative who was. A while back I discovered a very distant relative, William H. Furr, who served on the Kerr County Commission in the 1940s.
The following item appeared in True West Magazine, June 1964 "Old Time Ranchmen of the Southwest":
Charles Schreiner is an important historical figure in the region with whom I previously had no known connection. Because of my genealogical research I now know my relative worked for Schreiner as a young man and apparently had a close friendship. And I now have a photo of Alex. It encourages me to keep researching. You never know where the path may lead.
Yesterday I met with a neighbor, a descendant of Charles Schreiner, to discuss a Texas historical marker application he is working on for a cemetery in Kerrville. While chatting, he pulled out this 1880 family photo from the Great Western Cattle Trail.
I was stunned when I read the back:
This picture is taken from on old Tin-Type photo “Schreiner and Lytle Herd” 1880.(Several of the men in the above photo also appear in this photo.)
Third man from left is Alex Crawford.
Sixth man from left is Alex Maltsburger. [sic. should be Maltsberger]
Seventh man from left is Will Hale.
Eighth man from left is Sebe Jones.
All these men drove “Trail Herds” for Captain Schreiner for several years.
Original photo taken near Doan’s Store, Red River Crossing.
Above notes drafted by Nell Schreiner Labatt
The above Alexander Perry Maltsberger is a kinsman of mine, not real close (2nd cousin, 3x removed), but a relative nonetheless.
I'm not from around here, but occasionally I'll discover some relative who was. A while back I discovered a very distant relative, William H. Furr, who served on the Kerr County Commission in the 1940s.
The following item appeared in True West Magazine, June 1964 "Old Time Ranchmen of the Southwest":
With brand ALX, Alex Maltsberger, was a pioneer cowboy who entered the Panhandle in 1880 as a traildriver for Schreiner, Light, and Lytle, who were some of the largest South Texas trail outfits. In Lipscomb Co, he served as the first sheriff and worked for the Box T. Later he was a Cherokee Strip rancher on the John Chisholm Trail near the Cimarron. Some of his friends were Sebe Jones, Alex Crawford, Charles Schreiner, Sam Cupp, John McQuipp and Charles Rynearson. Sebe Jones and Alex shot it out with and captured horse thieves in South Texas. Vigilantes took the prisoners and hung them in a pecan tree on Turtle Creek as Sebe and Alex were on the way to Kerrville with the men.I live in on a tributary of Turtle Creek, and like many of my neighbors have a pecan tree on our property.
Charles Schreiner is an important historical figure in the region with whom I previously had no known connection. Because of my genealogical research I now know my relative worked for Schreiner as a young man and apparently had a close friendship. And I now have a photo of Alex. It encourages me to keep researching. You never know where the path may lead.
Monday, April 16, 2018
Miniature Golf
In doing some research for a program I did for the Kerr County Historical Commission ("Entertaining Kerrville: Saloons, Pool Halls, Theatres and Eating Establishments") today, I learned that several miniature golf courses opened in Kerrville the same time. It was a short-lived fad. After a burst of excitement, there was no mention for four years, when a newspaper article in passing mention the fad. It was so short-lived there don't seem to be photos from the time.
The year was 1930. That year miniature golf courses opened downtown, one at the Blue Bonnet Hotel and one at the St. Charles Hotel. The St. Charles course was nine holes. It started near the sidewalk on Water Street and extending through the rear court and back of the J.C. Penney Company store (which was located in the 700 block of Water Street.) Rock masons constructed the borders and stone hazards. Granite from Gillespie Co., and rocks "of attractive color and formation from Kerr Co." were used. There were also water hazards. The one at the Blue Bonnet was 18-holes and was independent of the hotel. It had sand and water hazards, “requiring the use of niblicks and mashie-niblicks to break the monotony of putting.” It also had water hazards. The course was on a vacant lot just east of the hotel along the banks of the river. Both miniature links would be visible from Water Street, “which carried heavy tourist traffic from the Old Spanish Trail.”
There were at least two other mini golf courses operating at the same time, one at 367 Junction Highway and one at the corner of Water and Houston streets. None lasted very long.
If you look on the Sanborn map for 1930, you can see the miniature golf next to the Blue Bonnet and the one at Water and Houston. Houston Street was renamed Rodriguez Street in 1973 in honor of Rev. E. E. Rodriguez. Two blocks of Rodriguez Street have been turned into parking for Crenwelge and HEB.
There have been other attempts to establish mini-golf in Kerrville. As much fun as it is, they just don't last.
UPDATE: April 18, 2018
Joe Herring found an accidental photo of the mini-golf course at the Blue Bonnet Hotel. You can see it in the upper left corner of this photo of the Cascade pool--which also now dates this photo.
The year was 1930. That year miniature golf courses opened downtown, one at the Blue Bonnet Hotel and one at the St. Charles Hotel. The St. Charles course was nine holes. It started near the sidewalk on Water Street and extending through the rear court and back of the J.C. Penney Company store (which was located in the 700 block of Water Street.) Rock masons constructed the borders and stone hazards. Granite from Gillespie Co., and rocks "of attractive color and formation from Kerr Co." were used. There were also water hazards. The one at the Blue Bonnet was 18-holes and was independent of the hotel. It had sand and water hazards, “requiring the use of niblicks and mashie-niblicks to break the monotony of putting.” It also had water hazards. The course was on a vacant lot just east of the hotel along the banks of the river. Both miniature links would be visible from Water Street, “which carried heavy tourist traffic from the Old Spanish Trail.”
There were at least two other mini golf courses operating at the same time, one at 367 Junction Highway and one at the corner of Water and Houston streets. None lasted very long.
If you look on the Sanborn map for 1930, you can see the miniature golf next to the Blue Bonnet and the one at Water and Houston. Houston Street was renamed Rodriguez Street in 1973 in honor of Rev. E. E. Rodriguez. Two blocks of Rodriguez Street have been turned into parking for Crenwelge and HEB.

UPDATE: April 18, 2018
Joe Herring found an accidental photo of the mini-golf course at the Blue Bonnet Hotel. You can see it in the upper left corner of this photo of the Cascade pool--which also now dates this photo.
Friday, April 13, 2018
I just want to say thanks to all my loyal readers.
This blog has now exceeded 50,000 pageviews. As my friend Joe Herring has observed about his own blog, which reached that milestone sometime back, that is an extraordinary number for a blog that covers a very narrow topic, in my case vintage and historic buildings in a small town in Texas, especially considering how infrequently I've posted of late.
So, thanks to all of you.
This blog has now exceeded 50,000 pageviews. As my friend Joe Herring has observed about his own blog, which reached that milestone sometime back, that is an extraordinary number for a blog that covers a very narrow topic, in my case vintage and historic buildings in a small town in Texas, especially considering how infrequently I've posted of late.
So, thanks to all of you.
Friday, February 2, 2018
Gibson's Discount Center
I just read in the Community Journal that Gibson's is celebrating its 50th anniversary. I enjoyed the article and have a little to add to it.
This is the perfect opportunity to share a 1972 photo I found in the Schreiner University archives. It is in a photo collection whose name seems to have been lost in a file transfer. :(
If I can find the information, I'll give proper credit.
The very first mention I could find of Gibson's in Kerrville is in the December 13, 1967, Kerrville Mountain Sun.
The Kerrville Gibson's is the only remaining store of what was once a chain of more than 400 stores. It's a real treasure to the community. As I have learned, if you're looking for some hard-to-find item, always check Gibson's!
This is the perfect opportunity to share a 1972 photo I found in the Schreiner University archives. It is in a photo collection whose name seems to have been lost in a file transfer. :(
If I can find the information, I'll give proper credit.
The very first mention I could find of Gibson's in Kerrville is in the December 13, 1967, Kerrville Mountain Sun.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Harris announced this week that they have obtained the Gibson Discount franchise for Kerrville, and having a gigantic new building under construction to house the firm. ... B.W. Moller, of Victoria, is the owner of the building, and has leased it to Morris Harris. The building is located at 101 West Main Street, between West Main and West Water Streets along the banks of Town Creek. Alamo Steel Builders of San Antonio are the contractors, and the cost was filed at $90,000.Around May 1, 1968, R. J. "Jim" Angell opened a pharmacy inside Gibson's. That year Gibson's sponsored a Little League team, the first of many.
The Kerrville Gibson's is the only remaining store of what was once a chain of more than 400 stores. It's a real treasure to the community. As I have learned, if you're looking for some hard-to-find item, always check Gibson's!
Saturday, January 27, 2018
853 Clay Street
This house at 853 Clay, at the corner of Myrta Street, was erected between 1922 and 1925 by the Kerrville Lumber Company for Raymond A. Franklin and his wife Kate. At the time Franklin was superintendent of schools for Kerrville, a position he held for 15 years. He was about 22 when he took the job. When he left he was earning the princely sum of $3,000 a year.
Mrs. Franklin taught at Franklin Junior High School for 10 years. One of her classes interviewed pioneer settlers and produced a history of Kerr County based on these oral histories. The Kerrville Genealogical Society has a copy.
FJHS was named for him, at the students’ request, during his tenure. In December 1935, after Franklin spent three weeks at the Veterans Hospital, a special meeting of the school board was called. The Franklins resigned and left town and the junior high school was renamed Tivy Junior High School.
On On Oct 6, 1922, J. M. Hamilton and his wife Mary Hamilton transferred a lot on Clay Street (Cage Addition, part of lot 14, Block G) to their daughter Kate Franklin and her husband R. A. Franklin for $1.
The deed record is confusing on this next part, but it appears that on October 12, 1922, the Franklins contracted with Kerrville Lumber Company to buy lumber on credit to erect a dwelling house. The lumber company then sold the note to H. C. Robinson. I initially assumed they then immediately erected the house, but it does not appear on the November 1924 Sanborn Fire Insurance map, which suggest it was not yet built. Perhaps the lumber was not released until it was paid for. The lien was released by H. C. Robinson to Kate Franklin and husband on July 16, 1925. This is the probable date construction began.
The Franklins sold this property in July 1937 to S. S. Webster of Harlingen. Webster had lived in Kerrville before, having built the Caroline Courts several years earlier. In May 1938 Webster obtained a building permit for a dwelling on Myrta Street at a cost of $750. This may have been a small secondary residence behind the main house. At some point Webster poured concrete for a sidewalk from the front door of the house to Clay Street and inscribed his name “S S Webster”. It is visible today.
We know they were living at 853 Clay Street before 1930 because of this item in the March 6, 1930, Kerrville Mountain Sun:
The Franklins sold this property in July 1937 to S. S. Webster of Harlingen. Webster had lived in Kerrville before, having built the Caroline Courts several years earlier. In May 1938 Webster obtained a building permit for a dwelling on Myrta Street at a cost of $750. This may have been a small secondary residence behind the main house. At some point Webster poured concrete for a sidewalk from the front door of the house to Clay Street and inscribed his name “S S Webster”. It is visible today.
In April 1944 S.S. Webster and his wife sold the property to C.A. Sackrey. The Sackrey family initially came to Kerrville for health reasons, but daughter Emma did not survive. They decided to stay and moved from a rental on Golf Street to this house they purchased. Then in September 1946 C.A. Sackrey and his wife sold the house to Mrs. Ruth V. Roome, former postmistress of Bandera.
The Kerrville Times reported the following on March 24, 1949. "Mr. and Mrs. Bill Arnold have purchased the residence of Mrs. Ruth Rhome at the corner of Myrta and Clay Streets and will move into the place within the near future. The house was built by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Franklin several years ago.”
The Arnolds are mentioned often in the old newspapers, being very active in the Baptist church, the PTA, and other organizations. The February 20, 1952 Kerrville Times reported Mrs. Bill Arnold was hosting a Conversational Spanish-English class at her home at 853 Clay through the Tivy Elementary PTA.
In August 1965 Bill A. Arnold and wife sold the house to Richard L. Reeves whose heirs own the property today.
Census Notes:
The 1930 census shows Raymond Franklin owned and lived in a house at 103 Jefferson St. valued at $7500. I think the Jefferson Street address is wrong. The last page of the census in each district is commonly a list of people who got missed the first time around. There are several families listed at this address. Most likely the census taker was sloppy or trying to get done by the deadline and simply listed names with no effort to provide addresses.
I think there is also an error in the1940 Census. It shows Samuel S. Webster lived at 583 Clay in 1940. This family group is also out of order. Note the address is anagram of 853, which other records indicate is where her really lived. He was born ca 1875 in Tennessee, wife Sarah and operated a tourist court in 1940.
Mrs. Franklin taught at Franklin Junior High School for 10 years. One of her classes interviewed pioneer settlers and produced a history of Kerr County based on these oral histories. The Kerrville Genealogical Society has a copy.
FJHS was named for him, at the students’ request, during his tenure. In December 1935, after Franklin spent three weeks at the Veterans Hospital, a special meeting of the school board was called. The Franklins resigned and left town and the junior high school was renamed Tivy Junior High School.
On On Oct 6, 1922, J. M. Hamilton and his wife Mary Hamilton transferred a lot on Clay Street (Cage Addition, part of lot 14, Block G) to their daughter Kate Franklin and her husband R. A. Franklin for $1.
The deed record is confusing on this next part, but it appears that on October 12, 1922, the Franklins contracted with Kerrville Lumber Company to buy lumber on credit to erect a dwelling house. The lumber company then sold the note to H. C. Robinson. I initially assumed they then immediately erected the house, but it does not appear on the November 1924 Sanborn Fire Insurance map, which suggest it was not yet built. Perhaps the lumber was not released until it was paid for. The lien was released by H. C. Robinson to Kate Franklin and husband on July 16, 1925. This is the probable date construction began.
The Franklins sold this property in July 1937 to S. S. Webster of Harlingen. Webster had lived in Kerrville before, having built the Caroline Courts several years earlier. In May 1938 Webster obtained a building permit for a dwelling on Myrta Street at a cost of $750. This may have been a small secondary residence behind the main house. At some point Webster poured concrete for a sidewalk from the front door of the house to Clay Street and inscribed his name “S S Webster”. It is visible today.
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Sanborn map of 853 Clay Street in 1930 |
We know they were living at 853 Clay Street before 1930 because of this item in the March 6, 1930, Kerrville Mountain Sun:
Mrs. Ann Hudspeth, West Texas Pioneer, Buried Here Tuesday
Funeral services were held Tuesday for Mrs. Ann Elizabeth Hudspeth, 85, a pioneer of West Texas, who passed away Monday at the home of he daughter, Mrs. J. M. Hamilton, in Austin. The services were held Tuesday afternoon from the home of Raymond A. Franklin, 853 Clay Street, conducted by Rev. J. B. Alford of Austin. Interment was made in Glen Rest Cemetery, under direction of the Kerrville Funeral Parlor. … in 1895 they moved to Kerrville where the aged lady made her home until three years ago. Her husband [James A. Hudspeth] preceded her in death on August 7, 1920. He was a discharged Confederate soldier from Arkansas. [Raymond Franklin was a grandson.]
The Franklins sold this property in July 1937 to S. S. Webster of Harlingen. Webster had lived in Kerrville before, having built the Caroline Courts several years earlier. In May 1938 Webster obtained a building permit for a dwelling on Myrta Street at a cost of $750. This may have been a small secondary residence behind the main house. At some point Webster poured concrete for a sidewalk from the front door of the house to Clay Street and inscribed his name “S S Webster”. It is visible today.
In April 1944 S.S. Webster and his wife sold the property to C.A. Sackrey. The Sackrey family initially came to Kerrville for health reasons, but daughter Emma did not survive. They decided to stay and moved from a rental on Golf Street to this house they purchased. Then in September 1946 C.A. Sackrey and his wife sold the house to Mrs. Ruth V. Roome, former postmistress of Bandera.
The Kerrville Times reported the following on March 24, 1949. "Mr. and Mrs. Bill Arnold have purchased the residence of Mrs. Ruth Rhome at the corner of Myrta and Clay Streets and will move into the place within the near future. The house was built by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Franklin several years ago.”
The Arnolds are mentioned often in the old newspapers, being very active in the Baptist church, the PTA, and other organizations. The February 20, 1952 Kerrville Times reported Mrs. Bill Arnold was hosting a Conversational Spanish-English class at her home at 853 Clay through the Tivy Elementary PTA.
In August 1965 Bill A. Arnold and wife sold the house to Richard L. Reeves whose heirs own the property today.
Census Notes:
The 1930 census shows Raymond Franklin owned and lived in a house at 103 Jefferson St. valued at $7500. I think the Jefferson Street address is wrong. The last page of the census in each district is commonly a list of people who got missed the first time around. There are several families listed at this address. Most likely the census taker was sloppy or trying to get done by the deadline and simply listed names with no effort to provide addresses.
I think there is also an error in the1940 Census. It shows Samuel S. Webster lived at 583 Clay in 1940. This family group is also out of order. Note the address is anagram of 853, which other records indicate is where her really lived. He was born ca 1875 in Tennessee, wife Sarah and operated a tourist court in 1940.
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Oak Hill Addition
Oak Hill Addition
This small Kerrville subdivision sits on the former site of Oak Hill, the Remschel family home.
Streets include the even numbers of the 600 block of Myrta Street and all of Remschel Street.
Henry Remschel, a pioneer lumber dealer was the first mayor of Kerrville. Born in 1860, he died in 1938 and is buried at Glen Rest next to his wife Mattie May Remschel.
The house rambled as he added on to it over the years.
This property was first subdivided beginning in 1928, cutting out lots 20 and 21 of block 2 for his daughter Kate, lots 6 and 7 of block 1 to Street Hamilton, and another lot to the "Public". More pieces were cut out in 1936.
This small Kerrville subdivision sits on the former site of Oak Hill, the Remschel family home.
Streets include the even numbers of the 600 block of Myrta Street and all of Remschel Street.
Henry Remschel, a pioneer lumber dealer was the first mayor of Kerrville. Born in 1860, he died in 1938 and is buried at Glen Rest next to his wife Mattie May Remschel.
The house rambled as he added on to it over the years.
This property was first subdivided beginning in 1928, cutting out lots 20 and 21 of block 2 for his daughter Kate, lots 6 and 7 of block 1 to Street Hamilton, and another lot to the "Public". More pieces were cut out in 1936.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Caspar Real Homestead
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The small log cabin known as the "Little House" |
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The small barn between the house and garage encloses a log cabin thought to be the older of the two cabins. |
There are two log cabins on the property, one of which is thought to be the first home of Caspar and Emilie before they built this two-story home. Both cabins are still in use today, one as a guest house, the other as a storage building. Family tradition says the one being used as a storage building was first used by the men who tended the livestock and is most likely the oldest of the three buildings.
Caspar Real served in several public offices, including county treasurer 1864-65, tax assessor and collector 1866-69, cattle inspector 1871-72, sheep inspector 1879, county commissioner 1883-85. He died in 1893. Emilie followed in 1918. They are buried together in the family cemetery not far from the home they built.
If you have a home more than 50 years old that you would like me to research and write about, please contact me at This address is only for blog mail and is checked infrequently.
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