Monday, April 16, 2018

Miniature Golf

In doing some research for a program I did for the Kerr County Historical Commission ("Entertaining Kerrville: Saloons, Pool Halls, Theatres and Eating Establishments") today, I learned that several miniature golf courses opened in Kerrville the same time.  It was a short-lived fad.  After a burst of excitement, there was no mention for four years, when a newspaper article in passing mention the  fad. It was so short-lived there don't seem to be photos from the time.

The year was 1930. That year miniature golf courses opened downtown, one at the Blue Bonnet Hotel and one at the St. Charles Hotel. The St. Charles course was nine holes.  It started near the sidewalk on Water Street and extending through the rear court and back of the J.C. Penney Company store (which was located in the 700 block of Water Street.)  Rock masons constructed the borders and stone hazards.  Granite from Gillespie Co., and rocks "of attractive color and formation from Kerr Co." were used. There were also water hazards.  The one at the Blue Bonnet was 18-holes and was independent of the hotel. It had sand and water hazards, “requiring the use of niblicks and mashie-niblicks to break the monotony of putting.” It also had water hazards.  The course was on a vacant lot just east of the hotel along the banks of the river. Both miniature links would be visible from Water Street, “which carried heavy tourist traffic from the Old Spanish Trail.”

There were at least two other mini golf courses operating at the same time, one at 367 Junction Highway and one at the corner of Water and Houston streets. None lasted very long.
If you look on the Sanborn map for 1930, you can see the miniature golf next to the Blue Bonnet and the one at Water and Houston.  Houston Street was renamed Rodriguez Street in 1973 in honor of Rev. E. E. Rodriguez. Two blocks of Rodriguez Street have been turned into parking for Crenwelge and HEB.

There have been other attempts to establish mini-golf in Kerrville. As much fun as it is, they just don't last.

UPDATE: April 18, 2018
Joe Herring found an accidental photo of the mini-golf course at the Blue Bonnet Hotel. You can see it in the upper left corner of this photo of the Cascade pool--which also now dates this photo.

Friday, April 13, 2018


I just want to say thanks to all my loyal readers.
This blog has now exceeded 50,000 pageviews.  As my friend Joe Herring has observed about his own blog, which reached that milestone sometime back, that is an extraordinary number for a blog that covers a very narrow topic, in my case vintage and historic buildings in a small town in Texas, especially considering how infrequently I've posted of late. 
So, thanks to all of you.