Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hilda United Methodist Church, Mason County

On a day trip to Mason an unusual contemporary looking white steeple just off CR 783 caught our attention, so we turned off and stopped at the Hilda United Methodist Church in Mason County. It turned out the steeple wasn't contemporary at all, but was original to the 110 year old church building.
Originally known as Bethel Methodist Episcopal Church, the church was erected of local rock in 1862.  It was torn down and rebuilt using the same rock in 1902.  Three different colors of rock are apparent in the building.  The walls are of brown rock, the windows outlined in a different shade of brown, and the quoins in white limestone.

Also on the large church property are a cemetery, the original parsonage, and two esshousen (eating houses) that date back to the time when families came and spent all day Sunday at church, using these small buildings to gather and eat a meal between the morning and evening worship services.

The community of Hilda seems to consist entirely of this church and a few houses.  Unfortunately I didn't review my photos before I left.  As a result, I don't have a single photo that includes the top of the steeple and the church in the same picture. Oh well, another time.  I did, however, manage to get some decent photos of the interior. The pews are quite lovely, with distinctive bullseye designs on the arms.

This building has been a Recorded Texas Landmark since 1965.

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