Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Motley Hills

The developer of Motley Hills was Delmar H. Motley. This subdivision was developed on land purchased from Schreiner Institute (now Schreiner University) in 1961. The first record of the sale of a lot in Motley Hills is Citriana Development Co. to William C. Kenthick? Jr., and wife who purchased lot 3 in block M of Motley Hills Subdivision. This was reported on the February 7, 1962, Kerrville Mountain Sun. However it was a week later that the Mountain Sun reported the City Council had reviewed the plats.

In October 1963 a rather nice spec house in Motley Hills was advertised for sale for $13,900.  It featured three bedrooms, two tile baths, electric kitchen, central heat and air conditioned, double garage, laundry room, and insulated! Was insulation an unusual feature in a house?

The February 9, 1961, Kerrville Mountain Sun had the following item:
Meeker Land Sold For Subdivision
Delmar Motley of McAllen has purchased nine acres from Burton Meeker near the National Guard Armory and plans to start a subdivision of low cost housing.  Motley said the homes will have brick veneer, have two and three bedrooms, and will sell for less than $10,000.
Then on February 23, 1961,  the following item appeared in the Mountain Sun:
68 Acres Tract Sold To Motley By S. I. Board.
Sale of 68 acres of land to D. H. Motley was announced this week by Dr. Andrew Edington, president of Schreiner Institute.  The land, which lies along Travis Street, adjoining the city limits, was sold for approximately $500 an acre.
Motley, who is from McAllen, plans to start a subdivision on the tract this week end, priced from $8,000 and up.  Motley had previously talked about buying some land from Burton Meeker for the subdivision.

To learn about other Kerrville subdivisions, go here.

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